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The unique architectural heritage of the UK is one of our greatest cultural assets, with cities, towns and villages across the country benefiting from centuries-old buildings at their heart. Yet many of these buildings are under threat, and their future depends on finding new uses that serve their community’s needs. This is where the AHF can help: with decades of experience, we foster and guide community-led organisations seeking to restore and adapt their historic buildings, and provide funding that helps projects move forward at critical stages. Through our core model, which focuses on advice, early-stage grants, and repayable loans, much of our funding is recycled over time, and many projects are supported by a single gift. In this way, a gift to the AHF can make a difference across the country and across generations.

Since 1976, the AHF has provided advice and funding to projects across the UK to restore, adapt and reuse historic buildings for community purposes. Help us continue this work by becoming a supporter today. Gifts to the AHF enable our team of field officers to offer hands-on expert advice and funding at critical stages in a project’s lifecycle. Together, we can support communities to breathe new life into heritage buildings.


If you would like to discuss your gift, please contact or call 0207 925 0199.


Every gift helps us support communities to conserve and repurpose historic buildings, but if you would like to stay in more frequent touch with our work, you may wish to consider joining the following groups:

  • Friends, £120 per annum or greater, receive our news tracker emails, bi monthly e-newsletter with case studies, updates from the Heritage Sector and a guest article from an AHF-supported project;
  • Patrons, £2,500 per annum or greater, receive our news tracker emails, bi monthly e-newsletter as well as an invitation to attend our Annual Dinner and to accompany staff and trustees on one site visit per year; and
  • Benefactors, £20,000 per annum or greater, receive invitations to dinners, meetings and site visits across the calendar year.

All members of the above groups are recognised in our Annual Review.

Bequests and Legacies

Many people find that leaving a bequest is a good way to make a significant and lasting contribution to a cause important to them. It may cost nothing in their lifetimes, yet provides much satisfaction and peace of mind and by leaving a bequest, you may be able to lower the inheritance tax bill on your estate. You should speak with your lawyer about the potential inheritance tax advantages of leaving a charitable bequest in your will.


How to leave a gift in your will

In order to arrange to make a gift in this way, you may need to either draw up a new will or add a codicil to your present will. In any situation of making or amending your will, you are advised to seek professional legal assistance.

Should you wish to remember the AHF in your will, its proper name is: The Architectural Heritage Fund. Our address is: 3 Spital Yard, Spital Square, London E1 6AQ, UK. As the AHF is a registered charity, it may receive gifts free of tax. Bequests may be made to the AHF free of UK Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Within the UK, we are a Registered Charity No. 266780.

An unrestricted gift can be especially valuable to the AHF, as it will allow us to support the greatest needs and highest priorities of the time. In order to leave an unrestricted gift, we would suggest the AHF is named as a beneficiary, with the following wording, ‘with the request that it be used for the general purposes of the Fund’. It may also be possible to direct your gift towards a particular purpose or aim. Please contact us to discuss your aim, should you be considering a gift focussed in a particular area.

If you have already decided to include a gift to the AHF in your will, we would be most grateful to be notified, so that not only can we thank you but also we can plan for the eventual receipt of the gift and its use.

For further information on leaving a gift to the Fund in your will, or discussion of your plans in preparation for doing so, please contact:; 020 7925 0199.


Legacy Supporters

Leaving a bequest to the AHF can still allow you to enjoy a connection with our charity during your life. If you are considering a gift to the AHF in your will, you may wish to consider joining the following groups, and letting us know of your giving intention:

  • Life Patrons, bequests of £10,000 or greater, enjoy the recognition and engagement opportunities of Patrons for life; and
  • Life Benefactors, bequests of £50,000 or greater, enjoy the recognition and engagement opportunities of Benefactors for life.

Our Life Patrons and Life Benefactors are also recognised in our Annual Review.


Learn more about leaving a gift in your will

Download our brochure to learn more about how you can leave a gift in your will to The Architectural Heritage Fund.