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Mae’r Gymraeg yn dilyn y destun Saesneg isod.

This grant programme has been made possible thanks to funding from Welsh Government, Cadw.



The AHF can provide grants, subject to eligibility, to help with assessing the viability of a project, or to help fund development costs for historic building regeneration projects based in Wales.

First, please read the programme guidance, and the help notes of how to complete the application form, including what supporting evidence you may require.

We strongly encourage you to discuss any potential application with the Wales Team before submitting an application.

Grant Programmes


Project Viability Grant

Maximum £10,000 - Average Grant = £5,900

Project Viability Grants (PVG) are to fund studies to look at potential uses for a building and at its current condition, and produce a Viability Report to a standard template. Successful completion of this will be used to judge whether applicants can then apply for the AHF’s Project Development Grant funding, and can be used to secure further funding elsewhere. This grant is administered on a rolling basis. We aim to let you know whether you have been successful within six weeks.

Download Programme Guidance 

Download Viability Report Template 

Download Viability Report Guidance


Project Development Grant

Maximum £20,000 - Average Grant = £11,700

The Project Development Grant (PDG) scheme is intended to assist an organisation to cover some of the costs of developing and co-ordinating a project and taking it towards the start of work on site.

To qualify, an organisation must have established that the end use of the project is likely to be viable and have decided to take the project forward.

Download Programme Guidance 

Enquire and Apply

Once you have checked your eligibility, please read through our Application Help Notes and then complete our short online Expression of Interest form.

If your organisation and project are eligible and appear to be a good fit with our priorities, we will then invite you to submit a full application, and send you a link to the online application form. You can complete and submit this to us when you are ready, but for grant applications please check our deadlines here.

Please ensure you read the relevant grant programme guidance before starting your application.

We normally take 6-8 weeks to assess applications for smaller awards and up to three months to assess applications for larger awards. We will tell you when your application will be considered once we receive your application, and you will hear the outcome within one week of the grant meeting. If your application is unsuccessful, we will provide feedback.

[If you have already started working on an application and have an online draft saved prior to 28th April, the older version of the application form can be accessed here. For all new applications, please complete the EOI form instead to begin the process.


Grant Offers

Please follow click here for a list of our grant offers. 

Cefnogir y rhaglen hon yng Nghymru yn diolch i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, Cadw.



Gall y Gronfa ddarparu grantiau, yn amodol ar gymhwysedd, helpu gydag asesu hyfywedd prosiect, neu helpu ariannu costau datblygu ar gyfer prosiectau adfywio adeiladau hanesyddol yng Nghymru.

Darllenwch ganllawiau'r rhaglen yn gyntaf, a nodiadau cymorth am sut i gwblhau'r ffurflen gais, gan gynnwys pa dystiolaeth ategol y gallai fod ei hangen arnoch.

Rydym yn eich argymell yn gryf trafod unrhyw gais posib gyda Thîm Cymru cyn cyflwyno cais.

Rhaglenni Presennol

Grant Hyfywedd Prosiect

Uchafswm £10,000 - Grant Cyfartalog = £5,900

Mae Grantiau Hyfywedd Prosiect ar gael i ariannu astudiaethau i archwilio defnyddiau posibl ar gyfer adeilad a’i gyflwr presennol er mwyn cynhyrchu Adroddiad Hyfywedd gan ddefnyddio templed safonol. Caiff cwblhau hyn yn llwyddiannus ei ddefnyddio i benderfynu a all ymgeiswyr wedyn wneud cais am Grant Datblygu Prosiect, yn ogystal â sicrhau cyllid o ffynonellau eraill. Gweinyddir y grant hwn ar sail dreigl. Ein nod yw rhoi penderfyniad i chi o fewn chwe wythnos.

Lawrlwythwch Ganllawiau’r rhaglen 

Lawrlwythwch Templed Adroddiad Hyfywedd

Lawrlwythwch Ganllawiau am gwblhau Adroddiad Hyfywedd (Saesneg)


Grant Datblygu Prosiect

Uchafswm £20,000 - Grant Cyfartalog = £11,700

Bwriad Grantiau Datblygu Prosiect yw rhoi cymorth i sefydliad a chyfrannu at rai o gostau datblygu a chydlynu prosiect hyd at ddechrau gwaith cyflawni.

Mae rhaid i sefydliad ddangos bod ganddo ddefnydd terfynol y prosiect sy'n debygol o fod yn hyfyw ac wedi ymrwymo i gymryd y prosiect ymlaen er mwyn bod yn gymwys am y rhaglen hon.

Lawrlwythch Ganllawiau’r Rhaglen 


Holi ac Ymgeisio

Ar ôl i chi wirio'ch cymhwysedd, darllenwch ein Nodiadiau Cymorth a llenwi ein ffurflen Mynegiant o Ddiddordeb byr ar-lein.

Os yw eich sefydliad a'ch prosiect yn gymwys ac yn ymddangos yn cyd-fynd yn dda gyda'n blaenoriaethau, byddwn yn eich gwahodd i gyflwyno cais llawn. Byddwn yn anfon dolen atoch i'r ffurflen gais ar-lein. Gallwch gwblhau a chyflwyno hon i ni pan fyddwch chi'n barod, ond gwiriwch ein dyddiadau cau am geisiadau grant.

Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn darllen canllaw’r rhaglen cyn dechrau’r cais.

Fel arfer, rydym yn cymryd 6 - 8 wythnos i asesu ceisiadau llai a hyd at dri mis am geisiadau mwy. Byddwn yn dweud wrthych pryd y bydd hyn unwaith y byddwn yn derbyn eich cais, a byddwch yn clywed y canlyniad o fewn wythnos i'r cyfarfod. Os bydd eich cais yn aflwyddiannus, byddwn yn rhoi adborth.

[Os ydych eisoes wedi dechrau gweithio ar gais a mae gennych ddrafft ar-lein wedi'i arbed cyn 28 Ebrill, gallwch gael mynediad at fersiwn hŷn y ffurflen gais yma. Am bob cais newydd, cwblhewch y ffurflen Mynegiant o Ddiddordeb i ddechrau'r broses.]

The AHF has signed up to #FlexibleFunders; a community of funders committed to open and trusting practices in grant making by:

  •  Making grants in a way that reflects the realities facing VCSE organisations now and for the foreseeable future.

  • Managing grants and relationships in a way that reflects our confidence in and respect for the organisations we fund.

    For more information about #Flexible Funders click here