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Jo Robertson

Support Officer (Scotland)

Jo Robertson is the AHF Support Officer for Scotland.

Jo joined the AHF in the summer of 2019, bringing a mix of heritage policy, voluntary sector governance and impact evaluation, all within the Scottish context. From 2003-2017 she supported the creation and development of the advocacy organisation Built Environment Forum Scotland (BEFS).

As Forum Co-ordinator and Policy Officer she has extensive experience in stakeholder engagement, managing and facilitating numerous workshops addressing strategic policy affecting Scotland’s heritage. She co-ordinated the development of a measurement framework for Scotland’s historic environment strategy ‘Our Place in Time’ and latterly has contributed to the measurement of strategic outcomes at the National Trust for Scotland.

Recently she has undertaken consultation analysis and heritage evaluation projects on a freelance basis. Jo is particularly interested in how we can get better at supporting community groups in taking their ideas for re-using historic buildings forward.